Distance Learning

Programs & Advising Pathways

Bachelor of Science in Generic BSN Program (Completing Core Online)

Degree At A Glance:

Number of Credits 62 - 63
Cost Per Credit $ 188
Total Tuition $ 11,656 - 11,844

Print Degree for Bachelor of Science in Generic BSN Program (Completing Core Online)

Although the Degree in Generic BSN is not a fully online program, the required courses to apply to this program, are available to you fully online.  Albany State University offers the core curriculum fully online for students. If you are a student who is beginning the exciting educational journey into any HealthCare Career Program, you can fully complete online all the required courses necessary to apply to the Generic BSN program.

Please Note: The number of credit hours you see on the print degree screen only reflects the pre-requisite core classes needed to apply to the Generic BSN Program and does not imply an earned BSN degree with those hours.

The Generic BSN Program is designed for students desiring a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), and, as such, is an ideal program for high school, transfer, and change-of-major students.

Beginning Fall 2018, students interested in the Generic BSN Program will have the major as Health and Human Performance with a "pre-Nursing" attribute code. This must be specified. Students can complete the CORE CURRICULUM while being certain to complete of the pre-requisite courses necessary to become eligible to apply to the nursing program.

Following acceptance, the Generic BSN program lasts for four (4) additional semesters (two {2} Fall and two {2} Spring semesters), during which students are exposed to the various fields and specializations within the field, including Women's Health, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, and many others. This program culminates with the student earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, which, following successful completion of the state licensing exam for Registered Nurses (the NCLEX), prepares students with the knowledge and clinical skills to function as a beginning nurse, nurse manager, or leader within various healthcare settings. Additionally, our BSN graduates are prepared to enter graduate nursing programs in order to advance their careers, two of which are offered at this institution!

*Must take these courses within the core curriculum to meet prerequisites: ENGL 1101, ENGL 1102, PSYC 2103, NURS 1232, BIOL 2411k, BIOL 2412k, BIOL 2211k and ONE of the following Lab Science Options (#1:  BIOL 1111k and BIOL 1112k)  (#2:  BIOL 2107k and BIOL 2108k)  (#3:  CHEM 1151k and CHEM 1152k)  (#4:  CHEM 1211k and CHEM !211k)


Program Contact Information

Albany State University recommends the following course track for transfer students.
If you would like to use a different track, please contact your Online Support Specialist.

A1: Communications Skills (6 hours) Must Select Both ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102 (Must Pass ENGL 1101/1102 with a "C" or Better). A2: Quantitative Skills (3 hours) Select MATH 1001 or MATH 1111

Course Listing for Area A (Core)
Course Title Credits
ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 hours
ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 hours
MATH 1001 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning 3 hours
MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 hours

Select (1) one of the following courses: HIST 1002, COMM 1000 or POLS 1105 You must also select (1) one of the following as well: COMM 1100 or COMM 1110.

Course Listing for Area B (Core)
Course Title Credits
COMM 1000 Cultural Diversity in Communication 2 hours
COMM 1100 Human Communications 3 hours
COMM 1110 Public Speaking 3 hours
HIST 1002 Intro to African Diaspora 2 hours
POLS 1105 Current World Problems 2 hours

MUST Select (one) choice from the following: ARTS 1100 or MUSC 1100, (one) ENGL 2111, ENGL 2112, ENGL 2121, ENGL 2122, ENGL 2131, ENGL 2132

Course Listing for Area C (Core)
Course Title Credits
ARTS 1100 Art Appreciation 3 hours
ENGL 2111 World Literature I 3 hours
ENGL 2112 World Literature II 3 hours
ENGL 2121 British Literature I 3 hours
ENGL 2122 British Literature II 3 hours
ENGL 2131 American Literature I 3 hours
ENGL 2132 American Literature II 3 hours
FREN 1001 Elementary French I 3 hours
JAPN 1001 Elementary Japanese I 3 hours
JAPN 1002 Elementary Japanese II 3 hours
MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation 3 hours
SPAN 1001 Elementary Spanish I 3 hours
SPAN 1002 Elementary Spanish II 3 hours
THEA 1100 Theater Appreciation 3 hours

The Generic BSN requires you to select MATH 2411 PLUS one of the Lab Science Sequence Options Listed: (Option #1 is BIOL 1111k and BIOL 1112k) (Option #2 is BIOL 2107k and BIOL 2108k) (Opton #3 is CHEM 1151k and CHEM 1152k) (Option #4 is CHEM 1211k and CHEM 1212k) plus any additional course listed. Note: you cannot use the following combinations for completion of Area D: BIOL 1110k and BIOL 1111k; BIOL 2107k, BIOL 1110k or BIOL 1111k; CHEM 1151k and CHEM 1211k; PHSC 1011k and PHYS 1111k or PHYS 2221k; PHSC 1012k and CHEM 1151k or CHEM 1211k

Course Listing for Area D (Core)
Course Title Credits
BIOL 1111K Intro to Biological Sciences 4 hours
BIOL 1112K Intro to Biological Sciences II 4 hours
BIOL 2107K Principles of Biology I 4 hours
BIOL 2108K Principles of Biology II 4 hours
CHEM 1151K Survey of Chemistry I 4 hours
CHEM 1152k Survey of Chemistry II 4 hours
CHEM 1211K Principles of Chemistry I 4 hours
CHEM 1212K Principles of Chemistry II 4 hours
MATH 2411 Introduction to Statistics 3 hours
PHSC 1011K Physical Science I 4 hours
PHSC 1012K Physical Science II 4 hours
PHYS 1111K Introductory Physics I 4 hours
PHYS 1112K Introductory Physics II 4 hours
PHYS 2211K Principles of Physics I 4 hours
PHYS 2212K Principles of Physics II 4 hours

MUST select: POLS 1101, PSYC 1101 and at least ONE of the following HIST 1111, HIST 1112, HIST 2111, HIST 2112. Then select ONE class from the following: HIST 1111, HIST 1112, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, ECON 2105, GEOG 1101, POLS 2101, SOCI 1101, SOCI 2031

Course Listing for Area E (Core)
Course Title Credits
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 hours
GEOG 1101 Introduction to Human Geography 3 hours
HIST 1111 Survey of World History I 3 hours
HIST 1112 Survey of World History II 3 hours
HIST 2111 U.S. History Through 1877 3 hours
HIST 2112 History after 1877 3 hours
POLS 1101 American Government 3 hours
POLS 2101 Intro to Political Science 3 hours
PSYC 1101 General Psychology 3 hours
SOCI 1101 Introduction of Sociology 3 hours
SOCI 2031 Introduction to Anthropology 3 hours

MUST Select: BIOL 2411k, BIOL 2412k, NURS 1232 plus **BIOL 2211k. **Important Note about BIOL 2211k (Microbiology) is a hybrid option with the coursework online and the lab on campus. In order to accommodate students who must travel to campus, we typically offer a few different sections with one (long) lab a week to minimize travel time including some Saturday only labs. If traveling to our campus is not feasible for you, please contact your advisor for assistance obtaining a transient permission letter to take this course at an institution near you.

Course Listing for Area F (Core)
Course Title Credits
BIOL 2211K Introduction to Microbiology - HYBRID (Not Fully Online) 4 hours
BIOL 2411K Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 hours
BIOL 2412K Human Anatomy and Physiology II 4 hours
NURS 1232 Pre-Nursing Seminar 2 hours
PSYC 2103 Human Growth and Development 3 hours

**The Health & Wellness requirement may be fulfilled by taking one (2) two credit hours health or wellness course OR two (1) one credit hour health or wellness activity courses. Veterans of more than one year of active military service may be given credit for two courses of PE. ****Depending on your enrollment status you may be required to take ASU 1101 (1 credit hour) ASU 1101 is required for first-time college students or transfer students bringing in less than 12 transfer credit hours.

Course Listing for Institutional Requirements
Course Title Credits
ASU 1101 First Year Experience/Pathway to Success 1 hours
HEDP 1161 Human Sexuality Online 2 hours
HEDP 1163 Personal Health 2 hours
HEDP 1164 Stress Management 2 hours
HEDP 1165 Mental Health 2 hours
HEDP 1166 Drugs and Drug Abuse 2 hours
WELL 1161 Fitness I 2 hours
WELL 1162 Fitness II 2 hours
WELL 2210 Sport Injury Prevention and Care 2 hours

The following program details are intended to help you make an informed decision about the college that’s right for you.

Table of Completion Rates
Tuition and Fees Information Table
Tuition & Fees as of July 30, 2018
Tuition $11,656-11,844
Institutional Fee $225 / per semester
Technology Fee $65 / per semester

This program is designed to prepare graduates to pursue a job in this field or related fields. Although career and professional development services are available to students and graduates, finding a job is the individual responsibility of the student. We do not guarantee that any student will be placed in any particular job, or at all.

Total Credits (62 - 63 Hours)