Distance Learning


Early Childhood Development

Advanced course in the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of infants and young children through nine years of age and in observations of children in this age period for the purpose of applying principles and plotting developmental changes. Observation-laboratory experiences will be included to reflect on those observations. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of B to receive credit for this course in the program of study.

Theories, Design & Program Development in Early Childhood

Provides for the analysis and evaluation of the needs of both student and teacher in differentiated learning environments in the preschool primary grades in early childhood education. Curricula design will address varied philosophies, theories and methods of teaching and supporting auxiliaries. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of B to receive credit for this course in the program of study.

Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education

Educational programs for young children with varied cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Opportunities will be provided for analysis and evaluation of these programs through selected field experiences and action research. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of B to receive credit for this course in the program of study.

Issues in Early Childhood Education

This course will focus on current research trends and issues, historical, philosophical and sociological influences that have shaped early childhood education. Controversial issues and alternative approaches to solve problems will be investigated.

Math Experiences for Young Children

Theoretical viewpoints that have affected the teaching pre-mathematical and math concepts will be will be examined. Innovative mathematics projects and programs will be reviewed. Laboratory experiences will be arranged. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of B to receive credit for this course in the program of study .

Science Experiences for Young Children

Theoretical viewpoints which have affected the teaching of science concepts will be reviewed. Curriculum, method, materials and technologies will be analyzed and evaluated in view of current research and practices. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of B to receive credit for this course in the program of study.

Social Studies in Early Childhood Education

This course will examine innovative techniques for teaching of social studies. Curriculum, methods and techniques will be analyzed and evaluated in view of current research and practices. Field experiences to include field-testing social studies projects will be required. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of B to receive credit for this course in the program of study.

Creative Experiences in Early Childhood Education

Emphasizes a team teaching approach to the study of the creative process by use of selected topics of creative experiences in the living and learning of children. Candidates must earn a minimum grade of B to receive credit for this course in the program of study.