Distance Learning


Occupational Experience

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: Completion of 9 semester hours with a 2.00 GPA and approval of instructor.

OCEX 2290 is directed work experience with a business firm, government agency, or other organization under the Cooperative Education program in an area of a student’s preparation and interest. Cooperative Education may or may not count toward degree requirements. Students who successfully complete OCEX 2290 will be able to:

  • Gain work experience relevant to their chosen field of study.
  • Develop a career plan
  • Create a professional resume.
  • Reflect upon their career goals.
  • Assess their skills that will contribute to their success in their chosen career field.
Course Requirements:
  • Participate in discussion forums
  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • Basic-advanced knowledge of computers, computer applications, and trouble-shooting.
Additional Requirements:
  • A computer with Microsoft Word and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GAView D2L